Four programs meet FIBAA accreditation standards

In November 2021, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) officially recognized and granted the Quality Seal for 4 undergraduate programs of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU). The FIBAA accreditation is valid for a period of 5 years (2021-2026).

Programs accredited and certified by FIBAA include: Labor Relations, Urban and Regional Planning, Sociology, Vietnamese Studies - majoring in Tourism and Tourism Management.

To get this result, TDTU had registered for the accreditation according to FIBAA standards and written self-assessment reports for the abovementioned programs since the the academic year 2019-2020. In May 2021, FIBAA experts conducted online accreditation for 3 consecutive days.

FIBAA is the quality assurance organization of the Swiss Government, a non-profit organization established to promote quality and transparency in education and science by awarding a “quality seal” to programs which are accredited and certified to meet its standards. The FIBAA set of standards is used for programs in the fields of Social and Humanities, Law, Management and Economics.

Due to the strictness and high requirements for the criteria, the FIBAA accreditation certification is one of the most prestigious and widely recognized in Europe and around the world. Graduates of the FIBAA-accredited programs will have favorable conditions for job applications and further study in Europe and many other countries.

